Class GetResponse

  extended by com.rabbitmq.client.GetResponse

public class GetResponse
extends java.lang.Object

Encapsulates the response from a Channel.basicGet(java.lang.String, boolean) message-retrieval method call - essentially a static bean "holder" with message response data.

Constructor Summary
GetResponse(Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties props, byte[] body, int messageCount)
          Construct a GetResponse with the specified construction parameters
Method Summary
 byte[] getBody()
          Get the message body included in this response
 Envelope getEnvelope()
          Get the Envelope included in this response
 int getMessageCount()
          Get the server's most recent estimate of the number of messages remaining on the queue.
 AMQP.BasicProperties getProps()
          Get the BasicProperties included in this response
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GetResponse(Envelope envelope,
                   AMQP.BasicProperties props,
                   byte[] body,
                   int messageCount)
Construct a GetResponse with the specified construction parameters

envelope - the Envelope
props - message properties
body - the message body
messageCount - the server's most recent estimate of the number of messages remaining on the queue
Method Detail


public Envelope getEnvelope()
Get the Envelope included in this response

the envelope


public AMQP.BasicProperties getProps()
Get the BasicProperties included in this response

the properties


public byte[] getBody()
Get the message body included in this response

the message body


public int getMessageCount()
Get the server's most recent estimate of the number of messages remaining on the queue. This number can only ever be a rough estimate, because of concurrent activity at the server and the delay between the server sending its estimate and the client receiving and processing the message containing the estimate.

According to the AMQP specification, this figure does not include the message being delivered. For example, this field will be zero in the simplest case of a single reader issuing a Basic.Get on a private queue holding a single message (the message being delivered in this GetResponse).

an estimate of the number of messages remaining to be read from the queue