Interface SensibleClone<T extends SensibleClone<T>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AlreadyClosedException, ConsumerCancelledException, ShutdownSignalException

public interface SensibleClone<T extends SensibleClone<T>>
extends java.lang.Cloneable

This interface exists as a workaround for the annoyingness of java.lang.Cloneable. It is used for generic methods which need to accept something they can actually clone (Object.clone is protected and java.lang.Cloneable does not define a public clone method) and want to provide some guarantees of the type of the cloned object.

Method Summary
 T sensibleClone()
          Like Object.clone but sensible; in particular, public and declared to return the right type.

Method Detail


T sensibleClone()
Like Object.clone but sensible; in particular, public and declared to return the right type.