package test2; import java.util.Properties; import; import omq.common.util.ParameterQueue; public class ClientTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Properties env = new Properties(); env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.USER_NAME, "guest"); env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.USER_PASS, "guest"); // Set host info of rabbimq (where it is) env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.SERVER_HOST, ""); env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.SERVER_PORT, "5672"); // env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.SERIALIZERNAME, // "omq.common.util.Serializers.GsonImp"); env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.ENABLECOMPRESSION, "false"); // Set info about where the message will be sent env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.RPC_EXCHANGE, "rpc_exchange"); // Set info about the queue & the exchange where the ResponseListener // will listen to. env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.RPC_REPLY_QUEUE, "reply_queue"); env.setProperty(ParameterQueue.EVENT_REPLY_QUEUE, "event_queue"); Broker.initBroker(env); String car = "audi"; String tfn = "aifon"; Object lock = new Object(); CarThread t1 = new CarThread(car, tfn, lock); MobileThread t2 = new MobileThread(tfn, lock); t1.start(); t2.start(); } }