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sendMessage(Message) - Method in interface omq.test.calculator.Calculator
sendMessage(Message) - Method in class omq.test.calculator.CalculatorImpl
sendMessage() - Method in class omq.test.calculator.CalculatorTest
serialize(String, Object) - Method in class omq.common.util.Serializer
serialize(Object) - Method in class omq.common.util.Serializer
serialize(Object) - Method in class omq.common.util.Serializers.GsonImp
serialize(Object) - Method in interface omq.common.util.Serializers.ISerializer
serialize(Object) - Method in class omq.common.util.Serializers.JavaImp
serialize(Object) - Method in class omq.common.util.Serializers.KryoImp
Serializer - Class in omq.common.util
Serializer enables to serialize the requests and the responses of the remoteObjects.
Serializer(Properties) - Constructor for class omq.common.util.Serializer
serializer - Variable in class omq.common.util.Serializer
SerializerException - Exception in omq.exception
SerializerException(String) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.SerializerException
SerializerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.SerializerException
server() - Static method in class omq.test.calculator.CalculatorTest
server() - Static method in class omq.test.observer.ObserverTest
Server - Class in omq.test.python
Server() - Constructor for class omq.test.python.Server
server() - Static method in class omq.test.serializer.CalculatorTest
server() - Static method in class omq.test.stopBroker.StopBrokerTest
ServerInterface - Interface in omq.test.exception
serverTest() - Static method in class omq.test.exception.ExceptionTest
serverTest() - Static method in class omq.test.faultTolerance.FaultToleranceTest
serverTest() - Static method in class omq.test.multiProcess.MultiProcessTest
serverTest() - Method in class omq.test.stopBroker.UnbindTest
serverTest() - Static method in class omq.test.temporal.ProvaTest
SessionException - Exception in omq.exception
Wrapper exception class to different exceptions It simply stores the incoming exception and provides a method for obtaining the "real" exception.
SessionException(Exception) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.SessionException
setAddress(Address) - Method in class omq.test.python.Contact
setAge(int) - Method in class omq.test.python.Contact
setAsync(boolean) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
setCode(int) - Method in class omq.test.calculator.Message
setContact(Contact) - Method in interface omq.test.python.ContactList
setContact(Contact) - Method in class omq.test.python.ContactListImpl
setDeliveryQueue(BlockingQueue<QueueingConsumer.Delivery>) - Method in class omq.server.InvocationThread
setDeliveryQueue(BlockingQueue<QueueingConsumer.Delivery>) - Method in class omq.server.RemoteWrapper
setEmails(String[]) - Method in class omq.test.python.Contact
setError(OmqException) - Method in class omq.common.message.Response
setId(String) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
setId(String) - Method in class omq.common.message.Response
setId(String) - Method in class omq.test.workspace.Info
setIdOmq(String) - Method in class omq.common.message.Response
setInfo(Info) - Method in class omq.test.workspace.RemoteWorkspaceImpl
setInvocationList(ArrayList<InvocationThread>) - Method in class omq.server.RemoteWrapper
setKg(int) - Method in class omq.test.exception.Trailer
setMessage(String) - Method in class omq.exception.OmqException
setMessage(String) - Method in class omq.test.calculator.Message
setMessage(String) - Method in interface omq.test.event.Message
setMessage(String) - Method in class omq.test.event.MessageImpl
setMessage(String) - Method in interface omq.test.persistence.Message
setMessage(String) - Method in class omq.test.persistence.MessageImpl
setMethod(String) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
setMult(int) - Method in class omq.test.calculator.CalculatorImpl
setMulti(boolean) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
setMultiNumber(int) - Method in interface omq.test.multiProcess.Number
setMultiNumber(int) - Method in interface omq.test.multiProcess.NumberClient
setMultiNumber(int) - Method in class omq.test.multiProcess.NumberImpl
setName(String) - Method in class omq.test.python.Contact
setNumber(int) - Method in interface omq.test.multiProcess.Number
setNumber(int) - Method in interface omq.test.multiProcess.NumberClient
setNumber(int) - Method in class omq.test.multiProcess.NumberImpl
setNumber(int) - Method in class omq.test.python.Address
setNumThreads(int) - Method in class omq.server.RemoteWrapper
setObj(RemoteObject) - Method in class omq.server.InvocationThread
setObj(RemoteObject) - Method in class omq.server.RemoteWrapper
setObsState(String) - Method in class omq.test.observer.RemoteObserverImpl
setParams(Object[]) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
setPhone(String) - Method in class omq.test.python.Contact
setPrice(double) - Method in interface omq.test.exception.ClientInterface
setPrice() - Method in class omq.test.exception.ExceptionTest
setPrice(int) - Method in class omq.test.exception.OmqServerImpl
setPrice(int) - Method in interface omq.test.exception.ServerInterface
setResult(Object) - Method in class omq.common.message.Response
setRetries(int) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
setState(String) - Method in interface omq.test.observer.RemoteSubject
setState(String) - Method in class omq.test.observer.RemoteSubjectImpl
setStreet(String) - Method in class omq.test.python.Address
setSubject(RemoteSubject) - Method in class omq.test.observer.RemoteObserverImpl
setSurname(String) - Method in class omq.test.python.Contact
setTimeout(long) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
setTown(String) - Method in class omq.test.python.Address
setType(String) - Method in class omq.exception.OmqException
setWait(int) - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
startRemoteObject(String, Broker, Properties) - Method in class omq.server.RemoteObject
This method starts a remoteObject.
stop() - Method in class omq.test.calculator.CalculatorTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.event.MessageTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.exception.ExceptionTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.faultTolerance.FaultToleranceTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.multiProcess.MultiProcessTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.observer.ObserverTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.stopBroker.StopBrokerTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.temporal.ProvaTest
stop() - Method in class omq.test.workspace.WorkspaceTest
stopBroker() - Method in class omq.common.broker.Broker
This method stops the broker's connection and all the threads created
stopBroker() - Method in class omq.test.stopBroker.StopBrokerTest
StopBrokerTest - Class in omq.test.stopBroker
StopBrokerTest(String) - Constructor for class omq.test.stopBroker.StopBrokerTest
stopRemoteWrapper() - Method in class omq.server.RemoteWrapper
This method interrups all the invocationThreads under this remoteWrapper
SyncMethod - Annotation Type in omq.client.annotation
Annotation which indicates a method as Synchronous.