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bind(String, RemoteObject) - Method in class omq.common.broker.Broker
Binds the reference to the specified remote object.
bind(String, RemoteObject, Properties) - Method in class omq.common.broker.Broker
Binds the reference to the specified remote object.
Broker - Class in omq.common.broker
A "broker" allows a new connection to a RabbitMQ server.
Broker(Properties) - Constructor for class omq.common.broker.Broker
broker - Static variable in class omq.test.multiProcess.MultiProcessTest
BrokerKiller - Interface in omq.test.stopBroker
BrokerKillerImpl - Class in omq.test.stopBroker
BrokerKillerImpl(Broker) - Constructor for class omq.test.stopBroker.BrokerKillerImpl