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Info - Class in omq.test.workspace
Info() - Constructor for class omq.test.workspace.Info
Info(String) - Constructor for class omq.test.workspace.Info
init(Properties) - Static method in class omq.common.util.OmqConnectionFactory
If this class is wanted to use as a singleton class this is the init function
InitBrokerException - Exception in omq.exception
InitBrokerException(String) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.InitBrokerException
InvocationThread - Class in omq.server
An invocationThread waits for requests an invokes them.
InvocationThread(RemoteObject, BlockingQueue<QueueingConsumer.Delivery>, Serializer) - Constructor for class omq.server.InvocationThread
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class omq.client.proxy.MultiProxymq
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class omq.client.proxy.Proxymq
invokeMethod(String, Object[]) - Method in class omq.server.RemoteObject
This method invokes the method specified by methodName and arguments
isAsync() - Method in class omq.common.message.Request
ISerializer - Interface in omq.common.util.Serializers
An ISerializer object can serialize any kind of objects and deserialize Requests and Responses.
isMulti() - Method in class omq.common.message.Request