- RABBIT_HOST - Static variable in class omq.common.util.ParameterQueue
Set the ip where the rabbitmq server is.
- RABBIT_PORT - Static variable in class omq.common.util.ParameterQueue
Set the port that rabbitmq uses.
- registerProxy(Proxymq) - Method in class omq.client.listener.ResponseListener
This method registers a new proxy into this responseListener
- RegistryNotLoadedException - Exception in omq.exception
- RegistryNotLoadedException(String) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.RegistryNotLoadedException
- Remote - Interface in omq
The Remote interface serves to identify interfaces whose methods may be
invoked from a non-local virtual machine.
- RemoteException - Exception in omq.exception
A RemoteException is the common superclass for a wide number of communication-related
exceptions that may occur during the execution of a remote method call.
- RemoteException(Exception) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.RemoteException
- RemoteException(String) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.RemoteException
- RemoteInterface - Annotation Type in omq.client.annotation
Annotation which indicates which is the remote interface that can have
asynchmethods or syncmethods.
- remoteNumber - Static variable in class omq.test.multiProcess.MultiProcessTest
- RemoteObject - Class in omq.server
A RemoteObject when it's started will be waiting for requests and will invoke
- RemoteObject() - Constructor for class omq.server.RemoteObject
- RemoteObserver - Interface in omq.test.observer
- RemoteObserverImpl - Class in omq.test.observer
- RemoteObserverImpl() - Constructor for class omq.test.observer.RemoteObserverImpl
- RemoteSubject - Interface in omq.test.observer
- RemoteSubjectImpl - Class in omq.test.observer
- RemoteSubjectImpl(Broker) - Constructor for class omq.test.observer.RemoteSubjectImpl
- RemoteWorkspace - Interface in omq.test.workspace
- RemoteWorkspaceImpl - Class in omq.test.workspace
- RemoteWorkspaceImpl() - Constructor for class omq.test.workspace.RemoteWorkspaceImpl
- RemoteWrapper - Class in omq.server
This class is used to encapsulate the invocationThreads under the
- RemoteWrapper(RemoteObject, int, Serializer) - Constructor for class omq.server.RemoteWrapper
- removeObserver(String) - Method in interface omq.test.observer.RemoteSubject
- removeObserver(String) - Method in class omq.test.observer.RemoteSubjectImpl
- Request - Class in omq.common.message
Serializable request information.
- Request() - Constructor for class omq.common.message.Request
- Request(String, String, boolean, Object[]) - Constructor for class omq.common.message.Request
- Request(String, String, boolean, Object[], boolean) - Constructor for class omq.common.message.Request
- Response - Class in omq.common.message
Serializable response information.
- Response() - Constructor for class omq.common.message.Response
- Response(String, String, Object, OmqException) - Constructor for class omq.common.message.Response
Creates a new Response object to be serialized
- ResponseListener - Class in omq.client.listener
Class that inherits from Thread.
- ResponseListener(Broker) - Constructor for class omq.client.listener.ResponseListener
ResponseListener constructor
- RETRY_TIME_CONNECTION - Static variable in class omq.common.util.ParameterQueue
Set how many time we have to wait to retry the connection with the server
when this goes down
- RetryException - Exception in omq.exception
- RetryException(int, long) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.RetryException
- RPC_EXCHANGE - Static variable in class omq.common.util.ParameterQueue
Set the exchange where the objectmq are listening
- RPC_REPLY_QUEUE - Static variable in class omq.common.util.ParameterQueue
Set the clients reply queue.
- run() - Method in class omq.client.listener.ResponseListener
- run() - Method in class omq.server.InvocationThread
- run() - Method in class omq.server.RemoteObject