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Calculator - Interface in omq.test.calculator
Calculator - Interface in omq.test.python
CalculatorImpl - Class in omq.test.calculator
CalculatorImpl() - Constructor for class omq.test.calculator.CalculatorImpl
CalculatorImpl - Class in omq.test.python
CalculatorImpl() - Constructor for class omq.test.python.CalculatorImpl
CalculatorTest - Class in omq.test.calculator
CalculatorTest(String) - Constructor for class omq.test.calculator.CalculatorTest
CalculatorTest - Class in omq.test.serializer
CalculatorTest() - Constructor for class omq.test.serializer.CalculatorTest
client() - Static method in class omq.test.event.MessageTest
client() - Static method in class omq.test.workspace.WorkspaceTest
ClientInterface - Interface in omq.test.exception
closeConnection() - Method in class omq.common.broker.Broker
This method close the broker's connection
ConnectionException - Exception in omq.exception
A ConnectionException is thrown if an Exception occurs in the Event middleware.
ConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception omq.exception.ConnectionException
Contact - Class in omq.test.python
Contact(String, String, String, int, Address, String[]) - Constructor for class omq.test.python.Contact
ContactList - Interface in omq.test.python
ContactListImpl - Class in omq.test.python
ContactListImpl() - Constructor for class omq.test.python.ContactListImpl
containsKey(String) - Method in class omq.client.listener.ResponseListener