Interface Consumer

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultConsumer, QueueingConsumer

public interface Consumer

Interface for application callback objects to receive notifications and messages from a queue by subscription. Most implementations will subclass DefaultConsumer.

The methods of this interface are invoked in a dispatch thread which is separate from the Connection's thread. This allows Consumers to call Channel or Connection methods without causing a deadlock.

The Consumers on a particular Channel are invoked serially on one or more dispatch threads. Consumers should avoid executing long-running code because this will delay dispatch of messages to other Consumers on the same Channel.

See Also:
Channel.basicConsume(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, java.util.Map, Consumer), Channel.basicCancel(java.lang.String)

Method Summary
 void handleCancel(java.lang.String consumerTag)
          Called when the consumer is cancelled for reasons other than by a call to Channel.basicCancel(java.lang.String).
 void handleCancelOk(java.lang.String consumerTag)
          Called when the consumer is cancelled by a call to Channel.basicCancel(java.lang.String).
 void handleConsumeOk(java.lang.String consumerTag)
          Called when the consumer is registered by a call to any of the Channel.basicConsume(java.lang.String, com.rabbitmq.client.Consumer) methods.
 void handleDelivery(java.lang.String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body)
          Called when a basic.deliver is received for this consumer.
 void handleRecoverOk(java.lang.String consumerTag)
          Called when a basic.recover-ok is received in reply to a basic.recover.
 void handleShutdownSignal(java.lang.String consumerTag, ShutdownSignalException sig)
          Called when either the channel or the underlying connection has been shut down.

Method Detail


void handleConsumeOk(java.lang.String consumerTag)
Called when the consumer is registered by a call to any of the Channel.basicConsume(java.lang.String, com.rabbitmq.client.Consumer) methods.

consumerTag - the consumer tag associated with the consumer


void handleCancelOk(java.lang.String consumerTag)
Called when the consumer is cancelled by a call to Channel.basicCancel(java.lang.String).

consumerTag - the consumer tag associated with the consumer


void handleCancel(java.lang.String consumerTag)
Called when the consumer is cancelled for reasons other than by a call to Channel.basicCancel(java.lang.String). For example, the queue has been deleted. See handleCancelOk(java.lang.String) for notification of consumer cancellation due to Channel.basicCancel(java.lang.String).

consumerTag - the consumer tag associated with the consumer


void handleShutdownSignal(java.lang.String consumerTag,
                          ShutdownSignalException sig)
Called when either the channel or the underlying connection has been shut down.

consumerTag - the consumer tag associated with the consumer
sig - a ShutdownSignalException indicating the reason for the shut down


void handleRecoverOk(java.lang.String consumerTag)
Called when a basic.recover-ok is received in reply to a basic.recover. All messages received before this is invoked that haven't been ack'ed will be re-delivered. All messages received afterwards won't be.

consumerTag - the consumer tag associated with the consumer


void handleDelivery(java.lang.String consumerTag,
                    Envelope envelope,
                    AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
                    byte[] body)
Called when a basic.deliver is received for this consumer.

consumerTag - the consumer tag associated with the consumer
envelope - packaging data for the message
properties - content header data for the message
body - the message body (opaque, client-specific byte array)
Throws: - if the consumer encounters an I/O error while processing the message
See Also: