11 years |
stoda |
Tryconnection function mades no sense and does not work as expected
11 years |
stoda |
Synchronized channel and reopening when they are closed
12 years |
stoda |
thread test added
12 years |
stoda |
log4j INFO
12 years |
stoda |
Javadocs updated
12 years |
stoda |
Default queues added, default exchange enabled, more control in remote …
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
I've done some javadocs…
12 years |
stoda |
Python client test added
12 years |
stoda |
PersistentTest? added, persistent messages enabled
12 years |
stoda |
ParameterQueues? changed, added some properties to modify the queues
12 years |
stoda |
some loggers changed
12 years |
stoda |
Multi problem solved
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
All the references of event removed
12 years |
stoda |
Events deleted instead of them there's a new example of how to use the …
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
MultiProxymq? added
12 years |
stoda |
ClassPath? changed
12 years |
stoda |
EventTest? added
12 years |
stoda |
startEventTrigger added
12 years |
gguerrero |
12 years |
stoda |
Logger modified
12 years |
gguerrero |
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
private static proxies in Proxymq deleted -> non static proxies moved …
12 years |
stoda |
@MultiMethod? + @SyncMethod? implemented and tested
12 years |
stoda |
New function created: getResults which returns a list
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
@MultiMethod? implemented and working with @AsyncMethod? annotation. …
12 years |
stoda |
Adding @MultiMethod?
Broker is not a singleton.
12 years |
stoda |
Non static broker
TODO: change all test to see whether the new broker …
12 years |
stoda |
Version 0.5.1 created!!
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
log4j added
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
Refactoring Environment class - deleted.
StopBroker? problems solved …
12 years |
stoda |
Refactoring tests
TODO: every test should work with every serializer
12 years |
stoda |
Junit 4.11 maven dependency added
12 years |
stoda |
Objectmq converted to maven project
12 years |
gguerrero |
12 years |
stoda |
Initial import.
12 years |
gguerrero |
12 years |
gguerrero |
12 years |
stoda |
Exception test revised.
Broker.lookup does not need the casting …
12 years |
stoda |
Remote exception added
todo: change throws Exception to Throwable …
12 years |
stoda |
Stop broker working and unbind too.
12 years |
stoda |
Fault tolerance in the client side added.
Some refactoring in proxymq, …
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
Some refactoring done
12 years |
gguerrero |
Fixed comment.
12 years |
gguerrero |
Comment logs.
12 years |
stoda |
Singleton didn't worked in parallel threads solved adding …
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
gguerrero |
wrong write method.
12 years |
gguerrero |
Public method -> Object deserialize(bytes)
12 years |
stoda |
fault tolerance in server if the rabbitmq server falls added
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
Sysos added to control what's happening
12 years |
gguerrero |
Logs and new event.
12 years |
stoda |
JavaImp? error with Events solved
12 years |
stoda |
12 years |
stoda |
Listeners added (not tested)
little test to shut up Vilella
12 years |
stoda |
Events added
12 years |
gguerrero |
Fixed Zipper.
12 years |
gguerrero |
Fixed Zipper.
12 years |
gguerrero |
Fixed dynamic Serializer (by default is JavaImp?).
Added compression …
12 years |
stoda |
bug solved: invoke functions without params
12 years |
stoda |
First commit
12 years |
stoda |
Initial import.
12 years |
root |
Initial import